The CommandParser Object

The CommandParser Object is passed to every command via it's public run(command: CommandParser) method call from the main Bot class's command handler method.

You will use this object to interact with the parsed out command and the underlying discord.js Message object.

Argument parsing support is built in and is parsed out dynamically not requiring any static configuration. To pass in arguments you can send a message such as >mycommand name=mateo,description=taco tuesdays and your arguments will be available via orcommand.namedarguments.description.


The command.command property is a literal representation of the command issued by the discord message and received by your module.

console.log(command); output snippet:

CommandParser {
  command: '>test',


The command.arguments property is an array of CommandArgument Objects that has the name and value properties available.

console.log(command); output snippet:

CommandParser {
  arguments: [
    { name: 'name', value: 'mateo' },
    { name: 'description', value: 'taco tuesday' }


The command.namedarguments is an CommandArgument Objects that has the name and value properties available., rather than an array (see above) of objects. This makes things easier to access.

console.log(command); output snippet:

CommandParser {
  namedarguments: { name: 'mateo', description: 'taco tuesday' },


The command.obj property is the literal Message object passed by discord.js. You can interact with the message directly with this property such as:

command.obj.reply(new RichEmbed().setTitle('Test received!'));

console.log(command); output snippet:

CommandParser {
  obj: Message {
    channel: TextChannel {
      type: 'text',
      deleted: false,
      id: '581968863663751180',
      name: 'general',
      position: 0,
      parentID: '581968863663751179',
      permissionOverwrites: Collection [Map] {},
      topic: null,
      nsfw: false,
      lastMessageID: '587433698841067531',
      lastPinTimestamp: null,
      rateLimitPerUser: 0,
      guild: [Guild],
      messages: [Collection [Map]],
      _typing: Map {}
    deleted: false,
    id: '587433698841067531',
    type: 'DEFAULT',
    content: '>test name=mateo,description=taco tuesday',
    author: User {
      id: '505520869246763009',
      username: 'mateothegreat',
      discriminator: '0001',
      avatar: 'e4d574d22fcc131bd6a31576b27403b8',
      bot: false,
      lastMessageID: '587433698841067531',
      lastMessage: [Circular]
    member: GuildMember {
      guild: [Guild],
      user: [User],
      joinedTimestamp: 1558822589627,
      _roles: [Array],
      serverDeaf: false,
      serverMute: false,
      selfMute: undefined,
      selfDeaf: undefined,
      voiceSessionID: undefined,
      voiceChannelID: undefined,
      speaking: false,
      nickname: null,
      lastMessageID: '587433698841067531',
      lastMessage: [Circular],
      deleted: false
    pinned: false,
    tts: false,
    nonce: '587433698513649664',
    system: false,
    embeds: [],
    attachments: Collection [Map] {},
    createdTimestamp: 1560125507794,
    editedTimestamp: null,
    reactions: Collection [Map] {},
    mentions: MessageMentions {
      everyone: false,
      users: Collection [Map] {},
      roles: Collection [Map] {},
      _content: '>test name=mateo,description=taco tuesday',
      _client: [Client],
      _guild: [Guild],
      _members: null,
      _channels: null
    webhookID: null,
    hit: null,
    _edits: []

getArgumentByName(commandName: string): CommandArgument

This is a helper function that retrieves an argument by it's name directly and is rarely used.

Last updated